The signs
The 12 signs of the zodiac represent varying archetypal energies, while each planet and point in a chart (house cusp, angle, Vertex, Part of Fortune, etc.) takes on the energy of the sign it falls in.
Sometimes, people don’t resonate with their Sun sign. That’s generally because they have prominent placements in other signs—and why it’s so important to look at the whole chart. If you’re just getting to know your chart, I suggest starting with the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant combo.
Note that the dates of each Sun sign are approximate. For example, the Sun moves into Aquarius each year around January 20 to 21. If you were born on that cusp, where your Sun is could vary based on the hour of your birth.
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Curious about your chart?
Explore your astrology with a professional
I offer several consultations:
- A getting-to-know-your-chart session is ideal if you’re new to astrology and curious about what your chart reveals.
- In our overview of the moment session, discover the nature of the present time using transits and other powerful predictive tools—and be prepared for what’s ahead.
- An in-depth session may explore a relationship or advanced predictive techniques, such as progressions, solar arcs, or lunations. This session can also be aligned to any other questions you have, allowing time to delve into the wonderful insights astrology offers.